Earn an Innovative Master of Education

Two Pathways, One Goal

Choose between two degree pathways to form partnerships and develop skills for learner-centered and equity-centered schools.

M.Ed. Learner-Centered Practices

Transform your classroom

M.Ed. Learner-Centered

Transform your school or system

2Revolutions is partnering with Spalding University to offer two cost-effective pathways towards a Master of Education that will equip you to implement learner-centered and equitable strategies in your classroom, school, and system.

  • Models learner-centered experiences, where you grow deep instructional capacity to implement learner-centered practices

  • Leverages authentic, application-based assessment to demonstrate learning through implementation rather than recalling theory

  • Supports learners in personalizing their experience and progress toward demonstrating expected learning outcomes through a wide range of instructional content, collaboration, and feedback

  • Builds deep instructional, assessment, and leadership capacity to support transformation at all levels of practice and the system by anticipating learning needs of both the individual and the collaborative

What makes these programs different?

Both degree pathways are differentiated to be authentically relevant to a range of roles and contexts, making them appropriate for classroom educators, instructional coaches, and administrators.

M.Ed. Learner-Centered Practices

Designed for educators and leaders looking to meaningfully shift what is happening in their classrooms. By centering on students, educators will examine how current conditions are meeting learning needs and identify opportunities to redesign learning experiences. 

Click the image below to view the full program sequence:

M.Ed. Learner-Centered Systems

Designed for educators and leaders looking to meaningfully shift their school or district toward a collaboratively-developed vision for their community. By centering on concrete and actionable goals for the future, educators will examine how current systems support that vision and identify opportunities to redesign structures.

Click the image below to view the full program sequence:

Get Started!

Want to learn more? 

  • Use this Frequently Asked Questions deck to find general information about program design, pricing, payment options, course schedules, and expectations

  • Schedule a 15-minute call to answer your personal questions using this link

  • Request an information session for your school or district that works for your team

  • Are you ready to sign-up? Use this form to start your journey toward earning your M.Ed.

Hear from previous participants:

  • This program has made me reflect a lot about who I am as an educator and guided me to remodel learning for my students to have a higher quality education.

    -5th grade elementary teacher in Hawaii

  • This experience has been so transformative for my practice, my team, and my building. The rollercoaster of ups and downs have helped me grow exponentially and I appreciate the wonderful experience! This program has had so many impacts on me personally and professionally, I'm finding it difficult to identify one. Perhaps most impactful has been the realization that I can be the lever of change I want to see. My introverted nature had pushed me out of my shell and allowed me to build my capacity to change.

    -4th grade elementary teacher in Colorado

  • This program has changed the way I teach. I am not the same teacher I was when I started this program. I have been in traditional programs and those programs had no transforming effects on my craft. The things I learned in this class I am carrying with me beyond the classroom and beyond the time I have spent in the program. Also, my students have been transformed. I have seen test scores grow in ways that I can attribute to information I learned and implemented as a result of this CBE program. My students are enjoying having more say in their learning as well.

    -Elementary school teacher in Kentucky

  • I am a more confident leader, I am more confident in sharing my ideas, stories and impacts. I am more intentional with my students and the conversations I have with them. I am a stronger asset to the education system and my team. I could go on and on. This program was truly transformative in my life and I am so grateful for this amazing experience, the peers I met along the way and the unconditional support and compassion from my course facilitators. I have met many incredible people and I am so grateful.

    -North Carolina Educational Nonprofit Leader

  • This program has changed me as an Educator and an Advocate for change in Education. I have learned so much from this program, I have shifted my mindset in so many ways looking at things from a Human Centered Equitable Lens, I have also made so many friends along the way and we have supported and helped learn from each other new strategies to help our future leaders of Hawaii. This program has made a huge impact on all of us.

    -8th grade social studies and special education teacher in Hawaii

  • I feel that I learned a great deal and was truly able to transform my thinking about teaching & am excited for the journey ahead. I appreciate the time, space and effort provided by all of the instructors in guiding us to this point! The program has made learner-centered practices a reflex for me where I automatically think about a learner-centered strategy instead of a more traditional one to do during my instruction. I've been spreading the gospel with my science department and the teachers love being the facilitator instead of the authority in my classroom.

    -8th grade science teacher in Hawaii

  • This program has opened my eyes to see what was not working with my learners and gave me the push to make much needed changes to support the success of my learners and my own practices.

    -High school Health teacher in Kentucky

  • This program has greatly impacted my confidence as an educator to try new things with my students. It has also pushed me to be more vulnerable with my students when I try something new or make a mistake.

    -High school history teacher in New Mexico

  • This program is exactly what I needed to impact my community! This has changed the trajectory of my work life. It has changed the trajectory of our schools. I will be a stronger advocate in the rooms I am in.

    -High school instructional coach in Idaho

  • I feel that I am a stronger teacher because of this program. I feel that I have the strategies that will give my students choice and voice and my practice supports more personalized learning.

    -Middle school social studies teacher in Hawaii

  • This program has had a big impact on me as an educator and made me more confident in creating small shifts and changes within my classroom to work towards a more learner-centered classroom. I have created a big impact on my students in creating a learning environment that is welcoming and believes that they can be successful in their own way.

    -Kindergarten teacher in Hawaii

  • I am more confident in speaking up to make change. My students have more agency and seem to be more joyful in their learning experience.

    -K-12 art teacher in Kentucky