
Leading for Deeper Learning, A Series in Four Parts, Part 4: Outcomes and Reflections
Celebrations of Success, Educator Development and Evaluation, Accountability Systems Carmen Coleman, Chief of Transformational Learning and Leading at Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative Celebrations of Success, Educator Development and Evaluation, Accountability Systems Carmen Coleman, Chief of Transformational Learning and Leading at Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative

Leading for Deeper Learning, A Series in Four Parts, Part 4: Outcomes and Reflections

There is still a long way to go in the district before the school experience is truly transformed for every student, but we indisputably made progress. This past May, a group of district leaders revisited some of our guiding documents, including The New Normal, the Quality Work Protocol and descriptors, and the Performance Outcomes. We also looked closely at school defense rubrics to see how they compared to the expectations outlined in those original documents. It was refreshing to again focus on the bigger vision for the kind of learning experiences we wanted for our students.

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Leading for Deeper Learning, A Series in Four Parts, Part 3: Backpacks, Defenses, and Surprises
Celebrations of Success, Student-Centered Learning, Human-Centered Ecosystems Carmen Coleman, Chief of Transformational Learning and Leading at Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative Celebrations of Success, Student-Centered Learning, Human-Centered Ecosystems Carmen Coleman, Chief of Transformational Learning and Leading at Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative

Leading for Deeper Learning, A Series in Four Parts, Part 3: Backpacks, Defenses, and Surprises

When our district team proposed that we create our own digital vehicle for students to store and demonstrate artifacts of their learning, the superintendent and I reluctantly agreed, knowing that time was not on our side. But amazingly, the school year started and each student had a digital Backpack of Success Skills inside their Google Drive. Our newly formed Digital Innovation team was leading the way, creating lots of excitement within and even outside the district. Suddenly, JCPS, the troubled district that had been somewhat of a mystery across the state, was front and center. It seemed–to us at least–that everyone was watching, and more than a few wanted to join us. It was a new day in the Jefferson County Public Schools!

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Exploring a Bright Spot in Crisis Response: A VBCPS Case Study

Exploring a Bright Spot in Crisis Response: A VBCPS Case Study

Unlike other projects that are scrambling to pivot and shift as a result of COVID-19, the work in VBCPS has remained very much on track - in fact, in many ways, the work has accelerated in the midst of the pandemic. We’ve been reflecting quite a bit on what conditions are in place in VBCPS that have allowed the district to shift quickly to accommodate this new reality, while continuing to prioritize the work of our implementation networks during this time.

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Leaping into 2020!

Leaping into 2020!

As we launch the new decade here at 2Rev, we enter with well as some anxiety and a growing sense of urgency. Given the volatility and uncertainty thrumming in the world around us - including the fact that 85% of the jobs that exist in 2030 have yet to be invented - we are more eager than ever to support K12 and higher ed learners to become more agile, resilient and successful.

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Sharing Our Story: Innovative & Integrative Community in Virginia Beach

Sharing Our Story: Innovative & Integrative Community in Virginia Beach

How might we build an integrative, innovative community? What does it look like to actively dismantle fragmentation in a complex education system? Over the past two years, we have been working to answer these questions through our partnership with Virginia Beach City Public Schools, as a grantee in the Carnegie Corporation’s Integration Design Consortium.

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