
The Answer is in the Room - Making a Case for Community-Driven School Transformation
Educators wear a lot of hats, both historically and presently. And that’s not just a metaphor, it’s actually the perfect description of the way teachers have to move, moment by moment, between instructor, mediator, data analyst, artist, scientist, professional organizer, project manager, and back to instructor, all while responding to all the real-time needs of 20 or 25 or sometimes 30 young people in their care. Not to mention the rapid advancement of technology tools (do we integrate them? Ban them? Both? Neither?) and the grief and challenge of educating through and during a global pandemic! The challenges facing educators - and education at large - often feel insurmountable.

Which Story Will You Feed?
For every person who says, “The education system is crumbling,” there is a teacher painstakingly researching new ways to meet the evolving needs of all their students.
For every person who says, “No one wants to go into teaching right now,” there is a student-teacher methodically testing ideas that will become tomorrow’s best practices.