
The Answer is in the Room - Making a Case for Community-Driven School Transformation
Learner-Centered, Educator Preparation, Systems Change Nicky DeMoss, Senior Director - Content Learner-Centered, Educator Preparation, Systems Change Nicky DeMoss, Senior Director - Content

The Answer is in the Room - Making a Case for Community-Driven School Transformation

Educators wear a lot of hats, both historically and presently. And that’s not just a metaphor, it’s actually the perfect description of the way teachers have to move, moment by moment, between instructor, mediator, data analyst, artist, scientist, professional organizer, project manager, and back to instructor, all while responding to all the real-time needs of 20 or 25 or sometimes 30 young people in their care. Not to mention the rapid advancement of technology tools (do we integrate them? Ban them? Both? Neither?) and the grief and challenge of educating through and during a global pandemic! The challenges facing educators - and education at large - often feel insurmountable.

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Rethinking the Education Gap: A Critical Analysis of Higher Education and Teacher Preparation Programs
Learner-Centered, Higher Education, Educator Preparation Mishel Williams, 2Rev Coach Learner-Centered, Higher Education, Educator Preparation Mishel Williams, 2Rev Coach

Rethinking the Education Gap: A Critical Analysis of Higher Education and Teacher Preparation Programs

In today's society, the persistent achievement gap in education remains a pressing issue that demands attention and proactive solutions. Despite efforts to bridge this gap, misconceptions and oversights in higher education and teacher preparation programs often hinder progress. To address the complexities of closing the education gap, it is essential to critically examine and reevaluate the roles of higher education institutions and teacher preparation programs.

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