Our team at 2Revolutions is committed to helping schools and districts around the country grow and evolve towards the Future of Learning. There are important components to get to that future, and one is building educator capacity for transformation. 

Professional development is one key way that schools and districts invest in building teacher capacity. And here’s the field’s open secret: it’s often not that great. Not because schools aren't paying a lot for it. They are. (In 2015, The New Teacher Project found that schools spend $18,000 a year per teacher on PD without seeing much improvement on performance in the classroom.)

We want PD to work and work well. We have spent over a decade figuring out what works best, why, and how, and we recently published a site that shares a new framework for PD.

Visit the site, take a look at the framework and stories of how #mypdrocks, and then jump on social media to tell us how your PD rocks. We can be part of the change together.

Goodbye expensive, crappy PD! Time for the future.

Explore the new site


Transformational Coaching


Authentic Community Engagement Takes Longer...Or Does It?