Nancy Moncada | 2Rev Coach
Nancy Moncada is a proud, first-generation Mexican American educator whose family roots are in Guanajuato, Mexico. From a young age, Nancy felt a calling to be an educator and give back to her community. For the past 12 years, she has devoted her life to serving children in inner city schools and communities who have been historically marginalized. She has served as a math teacher, instructional coach, and assistant principal in different schools throughout the Houston area. She was also a Math Content Lead with Instruction Partners for two years and is currently a Math Specialist at SchoolKIT and a Coach with 2Revolutions. What Nancy is most proud of during this time is the number of students who began to believe in themselves and achieved greatness through hard work, confidence building, and self-love. In partnership with other amazing educators, Nancy has proved ‘The Possible’ when high expectations are met with high quality instruction. She is excited about continuing the work, closing achievement gaps, and helping ensure that students are set up to have choice-filled lives.